Posts tagged ‘tom colicchio’

Tom’s Coke Commercial

When I first saw this commercial air during the Oscars, I was shocked that Tom Colicchio–chef, Top Chef judge, restaurant owner–would feel the need to do a commercial.  In my mind, he’s well above commercials.  But then the commercial was for Diet Coke (not beer, as I initially assumed), and despite the fact that I drink much much less of it than I used to, Coke still remains close to my heart.  If Tom had to advertise something, I’m glad it was at least something good.

February 22, 2009 at 11:22 pm

Another reason to love Tom Colicchio (like we needed any)

Ezra Klein of the Internet Food Association posted a great story this morning about the fact that Tom Colicchio, chef and head  judge on “Top Chef” saved a life last night.

In addition to the fact that Tom is amazing (and is now also a hero), I’m a bit jealous that Ezra Klein got to attend Art.Food.Hope, the pre-inaugaration benefit to aid the hungry in DC.  If I ever manage to get any sort of audience for this blog, I am going to start finding my way to these sorts of events.  You should check out the chefs, artists and authors invited–I would have been speechless (which is perhaps why I wasn’t invited).

January 19, 2009 at 9:40 am

Fight World Hunger

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