Posts tagged ‘facebook’

No Reservations Facebook App

Imagine my delight when I got the following update on Facebook today:

Introducing “No Reservations: Hungry For More,” the new Facebook application from Travel Channel that lets users share and rate reviews on their experiences from all over the world.

Anthony Bourdain personally selects his favorite review for the grand prize—a foodie’s dream getaway to New York City! Users with the top reviews will also get a chance to win exclusive No Reservations prize packages.

Create reviews using text, picture or video in your own individual style because it’s all about your unique point of view. For ideas on how to get started, be sure to watch Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations on Mondays at 10 PM EST.

Just add the application and you’re on your way:

From what I’ve seen so far, the app seems pretty cool.  I’m looking forward to reading restaurant and location reviews from “real people”.  So, check it out, add your experiences, and go for the grand prize!

February 24, 2009 at 9:37 pm

The cool thing to do?

The longer I work on this blog (a whole two weeks now, but it seems like longer), the more I realize how un-unique it is.  The “FoodBlogger on FaceBook” group on Facebook has 703 members.  703 other people who are probably a lot like me doing the same thing I am.  Furthermore, a lot of food blogs are more creative than mine, such as Obama Foodorama, which is  “A Daily Diary of The Obama Foodscape, One Byte At A Time”.  Where do people come up with this stuff?

In a way, that’s frustrating because it means that I’ll probably just remain in internet anonymity writing a blog that only my sister and my Man read.  But I’ll still be improving my writing (I hope) and compiling all my thoughts on food and food television and the like, which I think has some intrinsic value.  And I like teaching too much to really consider blogging as more than a hobby, even if it is the only thing I think and talk about in my spare time.

On the other hand, joining the world of food bloggers has opened my eyes in some ways.  It’s amazing what you see when you’re looking for it.  It seems like everyone’s talking about food and a lot of it is really interesting.  Rarely a day goes by that I don’t use Google Reader to subscribe to another food blog (check out the blog roll to the right) and its exciting to be part of that conversation.  Even people who don’t typically talk about food are talking about it.  Case in point, Tim Buckley of the excellent Ctrl-Alt-Del webcomic reviewing Personal Cooking Trainer for the Nintendo DS and mental_floss’ post this morning about The History of “American Cheese,” from Colonial Cheddar to Kraft Singles.

At the very least, I’m loving blogging and I hope you’re loving reading.  Thanks!

January 7, 2009 at 11:19 am 1 comment

Fight World Hunger

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