Posts tagged ‘legislation’

School Lunches, continued

Some of you may recall the School Lunch Links post I made on April 1.  The gist of it is that school lunch offerings in this country are pretty awful and there’s legislation being worked on right now to change that.

Honestly, I’d kind of forgotten about it (something about trying to finish out the school year and plan my wedding at the same time…), but there is still stuff happening!

Christie left me a comment on that post today:

Completely agree! That is why I’m pushing people to sign the Child Nutrition Act reauthorizaation petition which asks Congress to remove junk food from schools. If you haven’t already, please sign! I’ve also created a Facebook group for it.

Well, you heard her.  If you support the Child Nutrition Act, click the above link, sign the petition and get involved in improving the food provided to our youth.

June 9, 2009 at 12:46 pm

Fight World Hunger

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